🍍 January 2023 Updates

🍉 Doorkeeper's latest features

👋 Host selection recorded in check-ins.

Hosts are an integral part of the visitor experience, that's why we now record host details in the corresponding check-in record.

Host selected for Check ins.
Host details in check-in record.

Even more cloud ☁️ settings

More Doorkeeper settings can be adjusted from the Nirovision web app:

  • Interaction type: QR only, screen only, both.
  • Auto-close settings.
  • Minimum display time and minimum check-in duration.

Navigate to Settings > Devices and tap on a Doorkeeper to view these options.

🍋 Nirovision's latest features

✉️ Enhancements to pre-registrations.

Streamline your entry procedures by pre-registering anyone coming to your workplace, so they complete their inductions and submit their details ahead of time.

Invitation for pre-registration

Navigate to Identities > Create Identity > Invite to get started.

🛑 STOP reasons recorded in check-ins.

There are many reasons why someone can be stopped by a Doorkeeper point of entry. Now you can see them in-line, recorded against the corresponding check-in record.

📊 Cross-location reports.

Admins can now view Activity from all their locations on the same screen, gaining more visibility into their operations, with fewer clicks.

Head over to the Activity tab, and use the Location filter to show/hide data.

🔵  What's Improved

  • Surveys can now be duplicated, for a head start.
  • Doorkeeper will display a retry button if there is an issue while completing a survey or uploading a file.
  • Every Identity in Nirovision now displays its creation date and the date when they were last updated.
  • We polished our light and dark themes across the applications.
  • Timestamps across the Nirovision app now include seconds.
  • Access rules are now sorted by name and colour.
  • Occasionally, temporary internet outages result in a check-in record without an image collected. If this happens, the record will display the person’s profile image instead.

🔴  What's Fixed

  • Our alerts sometimes displayed the alert time with an incorrect timezone. They should be timely again - and arrive in a new email template.
  • The Attendance graph of Activity sometimes displayed the wrong label colours.
  • The cover image still showed up on some Identities, even after being deleted.
  • Clicking on a document template currently in use will bring you to the access rule in question.
  • Some devices displayed an incorrect status, appearing offline when they weren’t.

If you'd like help setting up any of these new features, get in touch with us 📣

🇦🇺 Phone and email support during AEST office hours.

📚 Helpful resources from our knowledge base.

💬 Book time with us to discuss your challenges and get advise.

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